Thursday, August 21, 2008

My goals.

The picture of me on the sidebar makes me want to tear up. That was me last summer. When I THOUGHT I needed to lose weight. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a freak. Last summer was my fastest summer ever. I think it was my last hurrah before I had a baby or something. So, my goal is to weigh the same as I did in that picture. Before anyone freaks out, I understand that I probably won't look exactly like that picture. I had a baby after all! But, there is no reason I can't weigh what I weighed at that time. I am going to do something crazy. Post my weight. I am very embarrassed about my weight because I am 5'9". So, it's pretty high. And I am sensitive. But, I guess if I have to be accountable, I have to post my weight and my goal weight. So, here I go.

In that picture, I weighed 145 lbs. I had to gain some weight in order to get pregnant. The day I found out I was pregnant, I weighed 154 lbs (eek!). I gained 32 lbs during pregnancy and have already lost 34 lbs. So, I am 152 as of this morning. I HATE, HATE being a bill and a half in weight. For some reason, that 150 mark gets me every time. It just sounds like a lot. So, my first goal is to get back to 145. I don't think it will be too awful. I just have to not eat myself silly like I usually do. I like to eat. I can't hard-core diet because I am nursing Grant. But, just making sure I don't eat a lot of crap should help. I need to eat super healthy anyway. Whenever I start eating crappy, my stomach acts up.

Second, I have to get my abs back into shape enough to teach fitness. I really need to meet this goal because I am already signed up to teach two fitness classes starting in September. One of them is an abs/butt class. What was I thinking? I am going to jump start this by participating in the 30 day Ab Challenge.

Third, I want to get my training pace back to where is was before baby. I think running with the BOB, a huge baby, and a carseat with adapter should help with that.

And finally, I need to start being more consistent with cross training. Especially with a baby. Some days I can't get out to run. On days I can't run, I should make sure I do some other sort of cross training. I am the kind of person who needs to exercise everyday to be a nice person (ask my husband).

So, those are my goals. Here I go...


Nicole said...

We can blog and ramble about running together... running also makes me in a better mood... :)

We need to decide our marathon and sign up so i cant chicken out!

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

its all about credibility! :) i added you to my blogroll and reader too! i admire that you kept running all this time since school. I wish i did. hopefully i can get the love back for it!

J said...

Hi - I just happened to come across your running blog. Good luck with the weight loss and getting back into shape.

RooBabs said...

I love the new running blog! It's great to have somewhere to keep track of everything, and like you mentioned, ramble to people who actually understand (and care) what it's like to have the "running bug". I figure one of these days, I'm actually going to start a family blog (LOL) especially since my brother moved to Denver, I want to keep him in the loop (and I was the best at it when he lived in France).

Anyway... (sidetrack, much?). That's really cool that you teach fitness classes. I'm intrigued about this Butts and Guts class- sounds fierce. I'm gradually increasing my ab workouts, and in less than a week, I can already tell a slight difference.

Good luck with everything- I'll keep checking back!