Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm alive!

Holy cow it's been a long time since I have written on this blog! I have been running the entire time, I just got lazy with writing about it. I guess I am not one to talk about my workouts so I felt silly blogging about them. I mean, who really wants to read about my running?

Recently, I have started training for a 25K race. I started the official training last week. I have done 6 marathons and 3 halves but never tried the 25K distance. I searched really hard for a good training plan and came up with nothing. So, I decided to use the plan the race directors have selected and I tinkered it a little bit myself. Now I might actually have something to talk about on here besides boring runs every day!

In other news, I have met my goal weight that I set the last times I posted. I actually am 5 lbs below my goal weight at 140. So, my next goal for 2009 is to not gain that weight back!

I am back teaching fitness classes again, as of tonight. I had 2 classes back to back. I also am going to throw my other goal out there, for accountability. Despite being teased by Drew, I really want to complete this 100 pushup challenge. I am going to start by doing the challenge with modified (read: girlie) pushups because according to my husband, I was doing the regular ones REALLY poorly. Then, if I get strong enough maybe I will try regular ones. Embarrassingly, I have started and re-started this challenge about 5 different times in the last 6 months. I really want to finish it for once.

I received a Wii Fit for Christmas from my in-laws so I have been doing that on my off running days as well. Who knew hula hooping was such a good workout?

That about wraps up all of my fitness updates. Hopefully this will be the start of using this blog again.